Mr / Ms / MX Brand
… is either the Advert’s principal / source … or, any cause, conveyer, or beneficiary of the Advert; excluding consumers.
— Typically, Mr / Ms / Mx Brand is a seller:
He / she / they / it are discovered via the command chain. Per our targeting, the constituents of that chain are here present … and are now addressed :
These Narrators would not presume upon you … and we do not presume … save to repeat that we are reactive on your presumption. Our messaging is / was / will be sent in effect of your initial advance on us.
That advance constitutes an unfinished transaction, and you are here prevailed on to help us gain its end. i.e. to refer our Claim onwards and upwards to the Source we so earnestly seek.
The shareable link:
Continue to the Claim, as served.